Donate and Build a Brighter Future

for Generations to Come

Help us create lasting change. Your donation empowers us to make a difference in special needs, education, direct care, social entrepreneurship, and more. Together, we can build a brighter future.

Make a significant impact across all walks of life

  • This fund provides scholarships and grants to students pursuing social entrepreneurship. By supporting this fund, you empower the next generation of leaders committed to creating positive social change. Additionally, this fund provides grants to nonprofit organizations that support vulnerable populations, helping them to expand their reach and impact.

    Your contribution helps students gain the education and resources they need to become effective social entrepreneurs, and it supports nonprofits in delivering essential services to those in need.

  • Supporting Individuals in Times of Crisis

    The Lifeline Fund serves as a beacon of hope for individuals facing unexpected crises or hardships. Designed to provide immediate assistance during transitional stages of life, this fund offers essential aid for urgent needs such as housing, food, clothing, and transportation.

    Your contribution to the Lifeline Fund makes a direct and tangible impact on the lives of those in need. By offering vital support during their most challenging times, you help individuals regain stability and move forward with confidence. Together, we can provide a lifeline of hope and assistance to those facing adversity, ensuring that no one is left behind in times of crisis.

  • The 2Wanda Community Center Fund is dedicated to supporting the development and operation of the community center. Your contribution to this fund will help create a vibrant and inclusive space where individuals and families can access a variety of services and resources to enhance their well-being and opportunities for growth. From providing educational programs and career development services to offering wellness activities and support for vulnerable populations, the 2Wanda Community Center Fund aims to uplift the entire community and foster a sense of belonging and empowerment for all.

  • Empowering Individuals in Times of Need

    The Advocate and Volunteer Support Fund is dedicated to providing access to personal advocates and volunteers for individuals facing crises or transitions. Your contribution to this fund ensures that individuals receive valuable support and guidance from trained advocates, as well as assistance from dedicated volunteers, offering essential resources during challenging times.

    By supporting the Advocate and Volunteer Support Fund, you enable us to develop programs and resources that enhance the effectiveness of advocacy and volunteer services. This includes training advocates and volunteers, creating support materials, and expanding programs to reach more people in need.

    Together, we can empower individuals to navigate crises and transitions successfully, providing them with the support and guidance they need to overcome challenges and thrive. Join us in making a difference in individuals' lives by supporting the Advocate and Volunteer Support Fund today.

  • Igniting Positivity and Support

    The Spark of Hope Fund enables the provision of Spark of Hope services for individuals nominated by their community. These services bring positivity and support to their journey, offering encouragement and assistance to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

    Your contribution to the Spark of Hope Fund plays a vital role in helping individuals receive the support they need. It ensures that we can continue to offer these transformative services, making a positive impact in the lives of those facing adversity.

    Additionally, your support helps us develop resources and programs that extend the reach and impact of Spark of Hope services. By fostering a community of support and positivity, we can create a ripple effect of hope and resilience throughout our community.

    Join us in igniting positivity and support by contributing to the Spark of Hope Fund today. Together, we can make a difference in individuals' lives and inspire hope for a brighter tomorrow.

  • Empowering Future Leaders

    The Social Entrepreneurship and Career Development Fund is dedicated to empowering aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals seeking to advance their careers. This fund supports programs and initiatives aimed at fostering entrepreneurship skills, providing mentorship, and offering resources for career development.

    Your contribution to the Social Entrepreneurship and Career Development Fund enables us to offer workshops, training sessions, mentorship programs, and access to resources such as business incubators and networking events. By supporting this fund, you empower individuals to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and achieve their career goals.

    Together, we can nurture the next generation of leaders, innovators, and changemakers, fostering economic growth and prosperity within our community. Join us in empowering emerging and established social entrepreneurs and individuals on their journey to success through the Social Entrepreneurship and Career Development Fund.

  • Promoting Health and Well-Being

    The Wellness Clinics Fund is dedicated to promoting health and well-being within our community. Through this fund, we organize and run health and wellness clinics that offer vital services and resources to individuals and families.

    Your contribution to the Wellness Clinics Fund helps us provide essential healthcare services, preventive screenings, wellness education, and access to resources for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By supporting these clinics, you play a crucial role in improving the overall well-being of our community and ensuring that everyone has access to quality healthcare.

    Together, we can make a positive impact on the health and wellness of individuals and families, fostering a stronger and healthier community for generations to come. Join us in promoting health and well-being for all through the Wellness Clinics Fund.

How to Contribute:

Choose the Fund That Aligns with Your Goals

Select the fund that resonates most with your values and objectives. Whether you're passionate about education, emergency relief, or community development, there's a fund for you.

Make Your Donation

Contributions can be made online through our secure donation portal, or you can contact us directly for more information on how to give. We accept various forms of donations, including cash, appreciated stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate.

Join Our Community

By donating to 2Wanda Community Foundation, you join a network of compassionate individuals and businesses committed to making a difference. Please stay connected with us through our newsletters and events to see the impact of your generosity.

2Wanda Community Foundation is dedicated to aligning charitable efforts with impactful outcomes.
Your support helps build a better future for individuals and communities, creating a legacy of positive change.