At the Heart of OurVision

At the core of the 2Wanda Community Foundation's vision lies the establishment of a dynamic community center—a space of unity, support, and empowerment. This Center will stand as a beacon of hope, offering an array of services and resources to uplift and empower our community.

Community Center

Community Center

Vision Goal: Raise $200,000 Toward This Initiative

We aim to raise $200,000 to bring this vision to life. With your generous support, we can create a space where individuals and communities can thrive and flourish.


Thank You to Our 100,000 Building Fund Sponsors

Welcome to the 2Wanda Community Foundation's Gratitude Page

We are profoundly grateful to our dedicated sponsors who are helping us achieve our vision for the 100,000 Building Fund. Your generous support is instrumental in making our dream a reality.

To Our Valued Sponsors

Your commitment and contributions pave the way for a transformative space that will serve as a hub for community growth, education, and empowerment. This building will be a cornerstone for our initiatives, providing vital resources and support to those in need.

Your Impact

Creating a Safe Haven

Establishing a welcoming environment where individuals with special needs can receive the care and support they deserve.

Enhancing Educational Opportunities

Providing state-of-the-art facilities for educational programs that inspire and empower children and adults.

Supporting Direct Care Services

Offering dedicated spaces for essential care services that improve the quality of life for the elderly and those with physical and mental health needs.

Fostering Entrepreneurship

Creating incubation spaces for emerging and established social entrepreneurs to develop and launch their businesses.

Promoting Community Empowerment

Facilitating programs and workshops that encourage self-mastery, mindfulness, and community engagement.

Together, We Are Building the Future

Your sponsorship is more than a financial contribution; it is a partnership in our mission to create lasting, positive change. We deeply appreciate your belief in our vision and your commitment to helping us bring it to life.

Thank you for being a vital part of the 2Wanda Community Foundation's journey. Together, we are constructing a brighter, more inclusive future.

With heartfelt gratitude,

The 2Wanda Community Foundation Team

Join us in making this vision a reality.
Together, we can create a brighter,
more inclusive future for all.

Disclaimer: At 2Wanda Community Foundation, our commitment to transparency is paramount.
We allocate a substantial 80% of donation funds directly to programs and initiatives that provide vital support to our beneficiaries.
We ensure that your generous contributions make a significant impact, allowing us to create positive change within our community.
The remaining 20% is responsibly allocated to administrative and operational expenses, allowing us to efficiently carry out our mission.
We believe in maximizing the value of every donation to empower and uplift those we serve. Your support truly makes a difference.